Creating a blog with Cookiecutter-Django & deploying it to Heroku

Learn to jumpstart a production-ready blog using the Cookiecutter-Django framework and how to deploy it to Heroku

Vicente Reyes

Vicente Reyes

Table of Contents

  1. An introduction on the tech stack we're using and how we'd style our blog

  2. Creating the blog project

  3. Starting a Django App

  4. Model Architecture Planning

  5. Creating the,,, & the superuser

  6. Testing our app using Unittests

  7. Creating the data and fine-tuning the templates

  8. Showing Data on the frontend

  9. Deployment to Heroku

I. Introduction

In this tutorial, I'll walk you through developing a blog using the Cookiecutter-Django framework, storing the projects' static assets in an AWS S3 bucket, and deploying the blog to Heroku. Our blog would have a blog model that we'll call Post, a categories model, a contact form, and a model to showcase our past works or a portfolio page.

We'll then be using Bootswatch's Darkly theme, built on top of the Bootstrap CSS framework for our blog's styles. Feel free to choose a different theme if you prefer to.

Home page:

The home page

About page:

The about page

Blog detail page:

The blog detail page

Portfolio page:

The portfolio page

Contact page:

The contact page

Since we now know how the site would look, let's start creating our models and understand how Django's Model-View-Template architecture works.